reading revival 2

the first sequel. reading revival 2 reads ngarla songs by alexander brown & brian geytenbeek: a collection of 20C indigenous songs translated from ngarla into english. for previous revival incarnation hit link below.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

ngarla songs book group today at st kilda library 2pm.


At 7:28 AM, Blogger michaelf said...

a good session. four attended beside myself. aspects discussed included the decline of horse culture in australian poetry; homeric comparisons (elements of praise poetry) ... we looked at the ngarla english dictionary (also by brown & geytenbeek) and noticed the connection with sound in ngarla when it came to naming things: by the sound it makes rather than how it looks or what it does: eg dragonfly, motor. we noted the identification by speakers of poems with machinery; the apparent simplicity of the songs, but layers of meaning non-ngarla people can only have intimations of .. tho translation would have given brian some insight


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