reading revival 2

the first sequel. reading revival 2 reads ngarla songs by alexander brown & brian geytenbeek: a collection of 20C indigenous songs translated from ngarla into english. for previous revival incarnation hit link below.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

how western is it? geytenbeek automatically brings his english speaking/writing heritage into the translation. ngarla itself -- as a written form -- is westernised by using roman letters to form words to approximate the pronuncition of english.

a convention of bilingual texts in english speaking countries (or at least those ive seen from the uk, us, & australia) is to present the original language on the left page & the english on the right. this encourages a reading by an english reader from right to left. anyones reading practice might be different - but i usually read bilingual texts right side first, whether a line or whole poem, and then refer to the left. tho - especially if im interested in learning the language i might read the left first. or i might not read the left, if im tired, hurrying.

reading from right to left is more typically an eastern (arabic, asian) practice.


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